Kranz Insights in Action
Kranz resource hub includes datasheets, white papers, case studies, webinars, and insights from Kranz industry experts.

White Paper
Cash is King – The Money Story
Overcoming the Seven Barriers to Business Success.
It has been said that “cash is king” and that money makes the world go ‘round. So the question is, can you tell your organization’s “money story”—how it generates revenue and profits, maximizes cash flow and steers clear of trouble?
Discover the 7 barriers to positive cash flow:
- The Hairball
- Waiting for Real-Time Information
- Billing and Rev Rec: Necessary Bedfellows
- Upgrades Equal Downgrades
- Where’s the Money?
- Uncoupled Product & Service
- Misalignment of Strategy & Execution

White Paper
Managing Business Uncertainty
Get the insights you need to continue to take charge.
Change is a constant in business. But when faced with exceptional events, leaders need to take a hard look at their tools, systems, processes and—most importantly—strategies.