Mobile Fuel Delivery Company Overcomes Accounting Complexity via Process Rework 

Big gas-tank goes on highway against the sky


BoosterFuels provides mobile fuel delivery for mixed fleets across five regions in the western United States. Kranz Consulting was chosen through an internal referral from a member of BoosterFuels’ executive team.

Business Challenges 

After a period of rapid turnover, growing pains, and an increasing need to efficiently manage a high volume of daily transactions from customers and investors, BoosterFuels was experiencing financial and accounting complexities that impeded their ability to make quick and reliable progress.


Working with the production team, our consultants helped to implement improved invoicing and payment processes to eliminate complexities and foster more collaboration and efficiency.

Kranz also worked with BoosterFuels to complete the 2023 Operating Financial Plan for their board’s approval and developed an updated rolling 13-week forecast process to bolster their cash flow forecasting endeavors.

Our consultants also supported them through their 2022 audit by assisting in hiring auditors and establishing successful communication procedures to help them get ahead of auditor expectations.


After working with Kranz, the client now has faster and more reliable processes for finance, accounting, forecasting, invoicing, and more. They were also able to prepare for their 2022 audit, and due to our team’s documentation and transfer of knowledge, can streamline this process even more going forward.

Our team continues to provide accounting, forecasting, and planning services as BoosterFuels grows, helping them strategically manage growth and employee turnover.

Before Kranz

  • Disconnected processes
  • Accounting complexities that impeded progress
  • Difficulties managing the auditing process

After Kranz 

  • Improved processes for finance, accounting, reporting, and more
  • Aided in management of growth and employee turnover
  • Audit success & efficiency in managing auditor expectations